Using social media is definitely a good way to increase brand awareness and online presence. However, you won’t get the results that you’re aiming for without an effective social media strategy. You need well-thought-out techniques to ensure that your social media posts will increase your traffic, leads, sales, and customer satisfaction.

The question is, how do you develop a social media strategy? This is what we're going to help you with in this article. Below, we’ll give you an overview on what a social media strategy is and the steps you need to take to create one. 

What Is a Social Media Strategy?

A social media strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines how a business will use social media platforms to achieve its goals. It involves defining the target audience, selecting the most appropriate social media channels, creating content, and measuring the results of the social media efforts.

Businesses use social media strategies as a way to effectively utilize social media for their goals, whether that be increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales.

What Are the Steps to Creating a Social Media Strategy?

Creating a social media strategy can help your business brand to achieve its target metrics on social media, such as engagements, reach, traffic, and the like. There are a lot of things to take into account, so you can land on the strategy that best fits your goals. Here is a step-by-step guide that you can follow:

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

Identify your goals and what you hope to achieve with your social media presence. This could include increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, generating leads, or building an online community dedicated to your brand.

Step 2: Know Your Audience

You should know who your target audience is. Find out their demographic profiles, specifically their age, spending capabilities, location, sex, and other related factors. You also need to understand their needs, interests, and preferences since these will also play a role in finding appropriate social media strategies. 

Overall, knowing your audience will help you create content that will resonate with them, making it easier to increase reach and engagement.

Step 3: Choose Your Social Media Platforms

Determine which social media platforms your target audience use the most. Prioritize these platforms for your future social media strategies. Similarly, you can start with using the top social media platforms in the world, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube. Doing so will give you safe yet effective options for your strategy.

Step 4: Create a Content Plan

Develop a content plan that aligns with your objectives and target audience. This should include the type of content you plan to post, the frequency of posts, and the tone and voice of your messaging. An effective content plan will lead to an equally effective social media strategy.

Step 5: Engage With Your Audience

Once you start implementing your social media strategies on your social media channels, make sure to engage with your audience. Interact with your followers by replying to their comments, questions, and concerns. This will help build a loyal community around your brand. It will also be a good way to get a better overview of your audience’s impression of you.

Keep in mind that engaging with your audience applies to every situation, even the difficult ones. Apart from interacting with users who left positive feedback about your business, you should know how to respond to the comments of angry customers professionally.

Step 6: Track and Analyze Your Results

Tracking and analyzing the results of the social media strategies you developed and used are critical in measuring how well your business is performing online. You can use various analytics tools, either third-party platforms or the built-in tools in your social media, to do this step. 

Getting a clear understanding of the effectiveness of your social media strategies will help you know what areas you need to improve, and how far along you are with your goals. 

Step 7: Evaluate and Adjust Your Strategy

Regularly evaluate your strategy to determine what is working and what isn't. Adjust your approach as needed to ensure that you are meeting your objectives and reaching your target audience effectively. If you think the strategy you’re using isn’t garnering your desired results even after a certain period of time, you should consider redeveloping a new one.

What Is the Key to a Successful Social Media Strategy?

Having a social media strategy alone isn’t enough. There are certain factors that you still need to consider in order to ensure that it leads to success for your business operations and online social media goals. Here are the things that you need to take into account:

Audience Targeting

Make sure that you’re targeting the right audience group. Knowing the specific demographic profiles of each one won’t help if they’re really not who your products and services are for. Invest time in conducting market research, so you can develop a social media strategy that will benefit both your brand and your business. 

Content Creation

Content plays a big part in social media. Hence, you need to plan and make content that aligns with your audience and objectives. Create posts that are relevant, engaging, and valuable to your audience. This also involves using visuals to appeal to social media users, so you also have to pay attention to learning the ropes of image content moderation.


Consistency is important in social media, so make sure you are posting regularly and at optimal times for your audience. Don’t post too rarely since it will not do anything good for your online presence. At the same time, you can’t post too often because your audience may have brand fatigue. It will also help if you know what the best times to post on social media are to reach max engagements.


Social media is constantly changing, so your social media strategies have to be able to adapt to new platforms, trends, and changes in your audience's behavior and social media channels. Keep an eye out on what’s “in” and “out” of the online scene, so you can make the necessary adjustments along the way.

Get an Effective Social Media Strategy by Outsourcing

Developing a social media strategy that actually works can be challenging. You need to do a thorough research, test your strategies, and monitor the results, all of which requires a significant amount of time and effort. 

Want the hassle-free way of getting an effective social media strategy? Outsource digital marketing services to the Philippines, and leave your social media needs to the experts.

ManilaPros offers digital marketing services to Ecommerce businesses. The digital marketing experts in our team will come up with a thorough social media strategy that will fit your business needs and goals. We’ll handle everything, from SEO up to your weekly social media posts.

Interested in availing of ManilaPros’ services? Contact us today to learn more.