As businesses continue to prioritize exceptional customer experiences, the strategy of outsourcing contact centers is evolving to meet the ever-changing needs and expectations of customers. 

In this article, we'll explore the top 10 contact center outsourcing trends in 2023 that are driving innovation, efficiency, and customer satisfaction in the industry.

1. Use of AI and other Automated Integrations

In the context of contact centers, automation has found its way into various practical applications. It goes beyond the routine tasks of exporting data reports and transferring tickets, extending to more advanced functionalities like predictive dialers and outbound Interactive Voice Response (IVR) that expedite customer outreach. 

Experts also predict a remarkable 35% boost in contact center productivity by 2040 in the United States alone. AI is making its mark in customer service, where innovative solutions such as AI chatbots, sentiment analysis driven by natural language processing (NLP), and conversational IVR powered by Google Dialogflow are gaining ground.

AI and automation have been some of the top trends from 2022 up until now in 2023. These tools are designed to provide the business, its contact center, and customers with several benefits, such as the following:

Enhanced Efficiency

AI-powered automation can handle repetitive and mundane tasks, such as data entry, ticket routing, and basic customer inquiries. By automating these processes, contact center agents can focus on more complex and critical tasks, leading to improved productivity and efficiency.

24/7 Availability

AI chatbots and virtual assistants can provide round-the-clock support. This ensures that customers can access assistance at any time, even outside of regular business hours. This availability enhances customer satisfaction and helps businesses cater to global audiences across different time zones.

Improved Response Times

AI-driven systems can analyze and process customer inquiries or issues at a rapid pace. By leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, AI-powered chatbots can provide instant responses, reducing wait times and improving overall customer experience.

Consistency in Service

AI-powered automation ensures consistent and standardized responses to customer queries. By adhering to predefined scripts and guidelines, AI systems can provide accurate information and maintain a uniform service experience across all customer interactions.

Personalization and Contextualization

AI technologies enable contact centers to personalize interactions based on customer data and preferences. By leveraging customer information and historical data, AI systems can deliver tailored recommendations, suggestions, and resolutions, enhancing the overall customer experience.

Cost Savings

Automation reduces the need for human intervention in routine tasks, leading to cost savings for businesses. With AI handling basic inquiries and automating processes, contact centers can optimize staffing levels, reduce operational costs, and allocate resources more efficiently.

Scalability and Flexibility

AI and automated programs can easily scale to handle high volumes of customer interactions. Whether it's managing spikes in call volumes or handling large-scale customer inquiries, AI-powered systems can seamlessly adapt to meet changing demands, ensuring consistent service quality.

Data Insights and Analytics

AI systems can analyze vast amounts of customer data to derive valuable insights. By extracting patterns, trends, and sentiment analysis from customer interactions, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences, pain points, and areas for improvement, enabling them to make data-driven decisions.

2. Use of Agent Productivity Tools

The continuous evolution of contact centers has seen the integration of a multitude of tools and technologies, encompassing customer relationship management (CRM) systems, comprehensive reporting mechanisms, diverse customer channels, and efficient ticketing systems. 

These advancements have been adopted with the ultimate goal of boosting operational efficiency and delivering exceptional customer experiences. However, amidst this drive for productivity enhancement, the same technological platforms and tools affect the productivity of contact center workers.

Contact center agents, who are at the forefront of customer interactions, are not immune to this productivity challenge. According to VVC Live, 70% of agents have difficulties navigating multiple tools as their primary obstacle to achieving optimal productivity levels. 

When agents are required to switch between various platforms, each with its own interface, features, and functions, it can lead to inefficiencies and a loss of valuable time. Constantly toggling between screens, applications, and systems not only disrupts the agent's workflow but also leads to increased cognitive load and reduced focus on the customer.

3. Increased Remote and Hybrid Work Setup

The COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably affected the global workforce. This transformation has been particularly prominent in the contact center industry, where the need for physical distancing and safety measures pushed toward remote work. 

At the peak of the pandemic, an astounding 90% of contact center agents worldwide found themselves working remotely, adapting to a new work environment that prioritized the well-being of both employees and customers.

While the percentage of remote contact center agents has gradually declined as the situation improved and restrictions eased, it has given rise to a notable development in the industry— the emergence of hybrid working models. This hybrid approach, blending remote work and on-site presence, has quickly gained popularity and become the preferred method of work for both contact centers and their agents. The benefits of this hybrid model are apparent in terms of flexibility, productivity, and employee satisfaction.

4. Phone Support as the Top Channel for Contact Centers

Despite the multitude of options available in contact centers, including email, chat, social media, and self-service portals, it is surprising to discover that phone support remains the top choice among customers, even in the year 2023.

Voice communication holds a unique power in connecting with customers on a personal and emotional level. It allows for real-time, direct interaction, enabling businesses to establish rapport, convey empathy, and address customer concerns more effectively. The human voice carries nuances and tones that are difficult to capture through written messages or digital interactions alone, making it a preferred channel for resolving complex issues, seeking clarification, or simply seeking reassurance.

Furthermore, voice communication offers a sense of immediacy and convenience. Customers value the ability to connect with a live agent and receive real-time assistance, particularly for urgent or sensitive matters. Speaking directly with a representative allows for a more dynamic and interactive exchange, fostering a sense of trust and confidence in the service provided.

5. Use of Sentiment Analysis to Improve Contact Center Outsourcing

Sentiment analysis is a powerful technology designed to evaluate the emotional content of customers' messages. 

By analyzing the sentiments expressed in customer interactions, companies can identify and flag conversations with negative ratings, enabling managers to intervene and provide the necessary support to agents. This proactive approach helps improve contact center outsourcing services and enhances the overall customer experience, preventing potential issues from escalating.

Moreover, sentiment analysis provides valuable insights into the performance of contact center agents. By analyzing the data collected through sentiment analysis systems, companies can identify agents who consistently demonstrate high levels of negative emotions and a lack of positivity in their interactions. This knowledge allows companies to address any underlying issues, provide targeted training or coaching, and ensure that agents maintain a positive and empathetic demeanor when engaging with customers.

6. Augmented Reality for Better Customer Support

Augmented Reality (AR) Technology, mostly associated with the gaming industry, is now making significant inroads into the realm of outsourcing call center services. 

The recent surge of interest in AR has sparked a wave of studies and research that have shed light on its vast potential for application in contact centers. The findings from these studies paint a highly promising picture of the future prospects of AR in this domain.

The incorporation of AR technology in contact center operations opens up a lot of opportunities for enhancing customer experiences and optimizing service delivery. By leveraging this, contact center agents can provide customers with immersive and interactive support, surpassing the limitations of traditional communication channels. 

7. Real-Time Transcription for Customer Calls

Because of the advanced contact center outsourcing trends, especially in terms of technology, significant progress has been made in the field of voice recognition. This enables real-time call transcription capabilities. 

This breakthrough development has revolutionized the way calls are handled and analyzed within contact centers, offering a range of benefits and transforming the landscape of customer interactions.

By using modern voice recognition features, contact centers can now transcribe calls instantaneously as they occur. This real-time transcription capability eliminates the need for manual note-taking and post-call transcription, saving valuable time and resources for both agents and supervisors. Agents can focus more on actively engaging with customers and addressing their needs, while supervisors gain immediate access to call transcripts for monitoring, evaluation, and quality assurance purposes.

Work With a Contact Center Outsourcing Provider That Can Keep Up With the Trends

Since the contact center industry, along with technology, customer preferences, and customer satisfaction levels is constantly changing, it’s just right that you work with a contact center outsourcing provider from the Philippines that can keep up with the trends. 

For contact center needs of retailers, ManilaPros offers full-service, five-star customer care services that come with multichannel support, a dedicated account manager, KPI insights and reporting, and more - all starting at $9 per hour.

Book a call with us today to learn more.