Product descriptions are an essential part of any online store, as they help engage customers and encourage them to make a purchase. A well-crafted product description should provide customers with all the necessary information about the product, from its features, benefits, and characteristics, to its size and cost.  

But how long should product descriptions be for an online store? Read on to ensure you write the best product description that converts and increases your customer lifetime value.

How Long Should Product Descriptions Be? Let’s Talk About the Ideal Length!

According to industry’s best practices, an ideal length for a product description is between 305-400 words. However, the key factor in determining the ideal length of a product description is how much content is necessary to address the main features of the product and provide a brief overview of its benefits to the consumer. 

While a description that falls within the 305-400 word range may be sufficient for most products, it's important to remember that different products may require different lengths of description. For example, a more complex or technical product may require a longer description to fully explain its features and benefits. Similarly, a simpler product may only require a shorter description. 

The main focus should always be on providing the consumer with a clear and concise understanding of the product's key features and how it can benefit them. This can be achieved through a well-written product description that highlights the most important information in a way that is easy to read and understand.

Is It Better to Have Shorter or Longer Product Descriptions?

The optimal length of a product description depends on various factors such as the type of product, the target audience, and the platform where the product is being sold. 

In general, it's important to strike a balance between providing enough information to help the customer make an informed decision, while also keeping their attention and not overwhelming them with unnecessary details. 

For example, if you're selling a high-end electronic gadget, your product description should be longer and more detailed than if you're selling a simple accessory. High-priced products often require more detailed explanations of their features, benefits, and functionalities to justify the investment. 

On the other hand, if you're selling a low-priced commodity item, a shorter and more concise product description may be more effective. Customers who are looking for low-cost, everyday items may not be interested in reading lengthy product descriptions, and instead prefer to make quick, easy purchase decisions.

How Do I Know if My Product Description Is Too Long or Too Short?

When it comes to product descriptions on your ecommerce store, it's important to strike a balance between providing enough information to entice customers to make a purchase, while also not overwhelming them with too much text. Here are a few pieces of advice to help you determine if your product description is too long or too short: 

Know your audience

Understand your target audience and the kind of information they're looking for. For example, if you're selling technical products, your customers may be looking for more detailed descriptions, while customers purchasing fashion products may be more interested in visual details like colors and textures. 

Highlight the important features

Identify the most important features of your product and make sure they're prominently featured in your description. This will help customers quickly understand what makes your product unique. 

Use bullet points

Break down your product description into bullet points, making it easier to read and understand. This can help prevent your description from becoming too lengthy. 

Avoid unnecessary information

Don't include information that isn't relevant to the product or that customers may already know. Keep your product description focused on the key selling points. 

Test and adjust

Monitor your sales and customer feedback to determine if your product descriptions are resonating with customers. If you notice a decrease in sales or receive feedback that your descriptions are too long or short, make adjustments accordingly.

How Can I Make My Product Descriptions More Engaging and Effective?

A great product description is a surefire formula to convert a web visitor into a buying customer. Apply these best practices to ensure your product description can result in higher conversion rates:

Use sensory words

Using sensory words in your product description can help customers visualize and experience the product. Descriptive language that appeals to the senses such as "soft and cozy" or "refreshing and invigorating" can help customers imagine what it would be like to own and use the product. This can make the product more appealing to them and create a desire to buy it.

Keep it concise

Customers often have short attention spans, and they don't want to read lengthy product descriptions. It's important to keep your descriptions concise and to the point, while still conveying all the important information about the product. This means including the most relevant information, such as the product's benefits, features, and specifications, and avoiding unnecessary details that could overwhelm or bore the customer. 

Be honest

It's important to be honest and transparent in your product descriptions. Don't exaggerate or misrepresent the product in your description. Be clear about the features and limitations of the product so that customers know exactly what they're getting. Being honest in your product descriptions can help build trust with your customers, which can lead to repeat business and positive reviews. 

Show, don't tell

Using images and videos in your product descriptions can help customers better understand how the product works and how it could benefit them. Showing the product in use can be more effective than just describing it, as it gives customers a visual and emotional connection to the product. This can help them feel more confident in their purchasing decision and make them more likely to buy. 

Use social proof

Including reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other customers can help build trust and provide social proof that the product is high quality and effective. Social proof is a powerful tool that can help convince potential customers that your product is worth buying. By including social proof in your product descriptions, you can help alleviate any doubts or hesitations that customers may have about your product. 

Optimize for SEO

Using relevant keywords in your product description can help it show up in search results. However, it's important to use keywords in a way that reads naturally and doesn't come across as spammy. This means incorporating them into the description in a way that sounds authentic and useful to the customer. By optimizing your product descriptions for SEO, you can help more customers find your products and increase your sales.

Use a conversational tone

Writing in a conversational tone can help customers feel more connected to your brand and make them more likely to purchase from you. A conversational tone can make your product description feel more personal, which can help build a relationship between your brand and the customer. It can also make the description more engaging and interesting to read, which can hold the customer's attention and keep them on your product page for longer. 

Address customer pain points

Think about the problems your customers are trying to solve, and how your product can help solve them. Addressing these pain points in your description can help customers see the value in your product. By identifying the customer's needs and presenting your product as the solution, you can make your product more appealing to the customer. This can help you stand out from your competitors and increase your sales. 

Create a sense of urgency

Including language that creates a sense of urgency, such as "limited time offer" or "only a few left in stock," can help motivate customers to make a purchase. Urgency can create a fear of missing out (FOMO) and prompt the customer to take action before the opportunity is gone. However, it's important to use urgency language in a way that is honest and not misleading, as this can damage your reputation and lead to unhappy customers. 

Consider mobile optimization

Many customers will be browsing your products on their mobile devices. It's important to make sure your product descriptions are optimized for mobile, with short paragraphs and easy-to-read fonts. Mobile users have different needs and preferences than desktop users, and your product description should reflect this. By making your product description mobile-friendly, you can ensure that your customers have a positive experience on your website, regardless of the device they are using.

Enhance Your Content Writing Operations by Outsourcing Customer Care to ManilaPros

Improve your online store's appeal by integrating outsourced customer care insights from ManilaPros into your product description writing process. Our expertise in customer care offers valuable insights into customer preferences and trends, crucial for crafting compelling and effective product descriptions.

At ManilaPros, we offer a full-service, five-star customer care for retailers. We'll provide you with customer support agents who have completed specialized on-brand training and rigorous assessments to certify them for your brand.

Let our team assist you in elevating your ecommerce content strategy. Our retail customer care services complement your efforts in product description writing, ensuring that your content is both search engine friendly and customer-focused. Book a call with us today to learn more.